Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Welcome to United We Dance

Welcome to United We Dance! United We Dance is a place where electronic music enthusiasts can all come together. It's a place where opinion and thoughts can be shared relating to electronic music without feeling judged or threatened. We want you to feel part of the electronic music scene and movement by expressing your ideas, opinions and experiences. We hope that this blog will unite all kinds of people that share in the same passion and love for this beautiful music.

Let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Michael and I'm just a college student. I fell in love with electronic music over 2 years ago. I'm obviously no expert or "veteran" in the electronic music scene, but I love this music and scene more than I have ever thought possible. With so much going on in the electronic music world and the evident explosion of the scene in the United States, I've had so many opinions and thoughts concerning anything relating to electronic music. I've also heard many people express their thoughts and opinions on the same topics. So I've decided to make a blog where I express all my thoughts, opinions, and experiences relating to electronic music. I also hope people will engage in discussions on topics I write about. My only goal is to share how I view the electronic music world and get people united through this music.

I also want people new to the scene to feel welcomed and informed about electronic music. I don't want newcomers to feel like they don't fit in because they haven't been into electronic music as long as the "veterans."  We all started somewhere when we got into electronic music. I hope this blog helps the newcomers as well learn what I have learned in the short, but amazing 2 years I have been in this scene. So if you're new to electronic music don't feel like you're lesser than the "veterans." Just keep an open mind when diving deeper into the scene and you will discover why we all love it as much as we do.

My hope with United We Dance is that people will be inspired to engage in discussion and feel united with the rest of the electronic music family. I hope United We Dance will inspire you and open your mind to new things, ideas, and thoughts. Remember no matter what, we are united under electronic music. So here's a toast to the start of the United We Dance blog and to the great things to come.

Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/UnitedWeDance01

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