Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Album Review: Dirty South's "Speed of Life"

(Photo Credit: http://www.magneticmag.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/speed-of-life.jpg)

Dragan Roganović, better known as Dirty South, has been an electronic producer for a while now. He may not be as recognized as I think he should be but he puts out solid productions one after the other. Now he has released one of the most highly anticipated albums of the year. "Speed of Life" is a breath of fresh air for electronic music. With what was seeming like stagnation in the Progressive House genre, Dirty South has been able to set the bar higher for Progressive House producers. His album is made just to listen and enjoy each and every sound. If you're expecting an album full of festival style bangers then be ready to listen with an open mind. It's nice to see a Progressive House album full of fresh sounds rather than just bangers after bangers. Be prepared to be taken on a magical journey with "Speed of Life."

Gods (feat. Ruben Haze)
Dirty South starts out his album with "Gods," a softer, more beautiful Progressive song. Starting with a more mellow melody, "Gods" quickly picks up the beat into something unique. Ruben Haze's faint vocals in the background really provide a euphoric feeling. "Gods" most definitely sets the tone for the rest of the album.

Super Sounds
Probably one of my favorite songs from the album, "Super Sounds" starts out with a guitar like sound and moves to this sexy sounding guitar like riff. The more constant beat really makes this song into something you'll be bobbing your head to. The fact that this song doesn't have a huge drop but just a sexy beat really makes this song one of my favorites to groove to.

Until the End (feat. Joe Gil)
"Until the End" will have to be my favorite song from this album. Joe Gil's vocals just flow so well with Dirty South's sound. Like a good Progressive House song should, it provides that good feeling while listening to it. The unexpected drop makes this song fun to listen to. But Joe Gil really makes this song with his soothing voice and lovely lyrics. This is the Dirty South that I love.

"Champions" is probably the grungiest sounding song on the album. With the constant beat, this song is sure to make your body move. With a soft breakdown in the middle, this song builds back up to that grungy Progressive House sound. This song is definitely one of the grooviest on the album.

Living up to its name, "Sunrise" is an uplifting track. With a softer yet strong melody, this song is great to start your day with. As the tune progresses, Dirty South inserts what sounds like chopped up vocals to add to the uplifting feeling of the song. "Sunrise" shows the melodic side of Dirty South.

Your Heart (feat. Joe Gil)
The second song with Joe Gil's euphoric vocals, "Your Heart" is the typical Dirty South sound. With the combination of Joe Gil's voice and Dirty South's beautiful sound, this song is sure to give you a good feeling. Dirty South is able to make a big sound without having to throw in the typical drops we hear so much in electronic music today.

"Reset" is an interesting turn Dirty South takes in the album. You can hear the roots of Dirty South's sound in this song. It might just be me, but I kind of hear from about :45 to 1:10 the similar sound Dirty South uses in his remix of Miike Snow's Silvia. Nonetheless, you can feel Dirty South going back to his roots with this song. Ending the song with a slower melody filled with snare and kick drum sounds adds a nice touch to the song.

Something Like You (feat. Rudy)
"Something Like You" starts out with filtered vocals by Rudy and quickly drops into an uplifting beat. As the song breaks down you can hear what sounds like a guitar like rift with Rudy's filtered vocals once again. The lyrics about waiting for that someone special makes it an emotional song. The mixture of emotional vocals with an uplifting drop makes this song one you'll be listening to for in hope of finding that special someone.

After a string of harder hitting, uplifting songs, Dirty South starts to bring his album to a close with "Sunset." Named "Sunset" for a reason, this track a beautiful, mellower track perfect for winding down an album or even your day. With a sensational melody, Dirty South shows his softer side with this track and his versatility as a producer.

Speed of Life
"Speed of Life," the song in which this album is named after, brings the album to a perfect close. This song sums up everything this album is about. Starting out with a slower, mellower melody and then moving into a more uplifting, big room sound this song captures all the different sounds used in the album. It shows what Dirty South wanted to get across with this album. Sometimes we just need slow down, sit back, and enjoy life before it all speeds by.

Dirty South changes the game with "Speed of Life." With the expectation nowadays for Progressive House songs to have a "sick drop," it's nice to see Dirty South show that Progressive House isn't all about the drops. Dirty South is able to make groovy songs, euphoric tunes, and big room electronic music without having to use the typical buildups and drops. You can see his versatility as a producer with all the different sounds he uses. The album had a pretty good flow to it though the sudden change between certain songs that sound quite different could throw you off. Overall Dirty South does a great job with his first full length album while staying true to his music. You can feel the emotions and passion Dirty South poured into "Speed of Life."

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